Sewage Treatment Plant

Field trip with Ferdinand Schanz on Tuesday, December 19, 2000

Waste water from households and from industries are treated before they are allowed to be released into the natural hydrological cycle again. The purpose of the treatment is

  • to remove solid matter and toxic compounds
  • to minimize the amount of oxidizable carbon in the water
  • to lower the phosphate concentration
  • to cycle nitrogen back into the atmospheric sink and
  • to anaerobically convert carbon compounds into methane

Microbes play essential roles in waste water treatment. The field trip will illustrate the microbial processes in action and give a good overview of the technical layout of a sewage treatment plant as well as the theoretical background of the individual treatment steps.
In preparing for the field trip you might want to view Video No. 8 and to read chapter 11.15 (BBOM pg. 416-420).

Location: Sewage plant Küsnacht-Erlenbach
Time: Tuesday morning, December 19, 9 – 12 o’clock
Take train (S16) leaving Stadelhofen at 08.47 as far as Erlenbach from where Ferdinand Schanz will guide you to the sewage treatment plant.
Return: Trains leave Erlenbach to Stadelhofen every 15 minutes at ’13 and ’43 minutes after the hour (S6) or ’28 and ’58 minutes after the hour (S16).
Clothing: Wear warm clothes and sturdy shoes; you will spend some time outside.
Costs: Get your own round trip train ticket. Those who have a “Regenbogen pass” for the city or for the region should purchase an “Anschluss”ticket

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