Field trip for participants of Pieter Visscher’s Geomicrobiology Course, students of Kurt Hanselmann’s course on the "Biochemistry and Physiology of Prokaryotes" and guests
Wednesday morning, May 1, 2002
I would like to participate at the field trip to the Former Iron Mine GONZEN near Sargans/SG, on

Bacteria of the geochemical Iron Cycle

Deadline for Registration: April 28, 2002

E-mail Adresse
Last Name
First Name
I am an immatriculated student at the University of Zürich and would like to apply for a travel subsidy
Yes no
Immatriculation number (only for students applying for travel subsidy)
Would you like us to order a ticket for you ?
Yes No
I have a GA:
Yes No
a 1/2-Tax-Abonnement:
Yes No

This application will be confirmed by e-mail.

form or     it in order to continue.